Join The Block’s Web3 Community

Co-create content, earn XP and unlock exclusive rewards, and connect with other Web3 pioneers.

Step 1

Connect Wallet

Step 2

Claim Lens Profile

Step 3

Mint Community Pass

The Block Community Pass

In partnership with


Holders of The Block Community Pass will help guide the evolution of the The Block’s Web3 community program, contribute to the production of podcasts, and manage the community treasury.


Exclusive bounties ranging from content co-creation to crypto research will give members of The Block’s community a chance to showcase their talents and win rewards.


The Block Community Pass is your ticket to access a community of Web3 pioneers and network with other users experimenting on the forefront of consumer crypto.

Explore The Block’s Podcasts

The Podcast Thumbnail

The Scoop Podcast

The Scoop brings you timely conversations with the people defining crypto, web3 and digital assets. From breaking news to billion dollar fundraises, The Scoop delivers the stories shaping the industry.

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The Block Research Podcast

The Block Research Podcast goes beyond the headlines to provide you with a deep dive into the technological developments shaping the crypto industry. Each episode is filled with exclusive interviews and data, providing you with the information you need to stay informed and ahead of the curve.